Thursday 7 March 2013

Week 1 - An Inspired Reflection

Today facebook directed me to one of the cutest and most inspirational videos I’ve seen in a while. No it didn’t have cats in it. It was a TEDtalk by a 9 year-old boy that goes by the name of ‘kid president’. One of the tag lines of the video was that we (the people of the world) are on the same team. We’re all playing the game (of life) and yet it seems like many of us are on opposing/different teams. This makes the world a tough place to live in. What if everyone could get along? A bit clichéd, but it reminisces on John Lennon's song Imagine: Imagine all the people, living life in peace... A lot of people over the years have tried to send the message, but this video captures it marvellously. This has a lot to do with placing the message in the hands (or voice) of a child. Children don't think about the things they say before they say it and often they think about the world in different ways - as well as being ridiculously cute! TED have ticked all the right boxes on this one. When 'kid president' talks about making the world awesome, he means working together as a team. One of the greatest reasons people don’t get along in the world today is conflict between faiths or belief systems. While it would be convenient if everyone were on the same team (faith), it’s not ideal. Instead, why can’t we all gain an understanding of one another’s faith’s? That is the most important step to getting anywhere in life. If we are ignorant towards other’s beliefs, how can we dare to disagree, question them or even begin to understand where they are coming from? Take a look for yourself: 


A Pep Talk From Kid President. 2013. Retrieved March 7, 2013.

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