Sunday 26 May 2013


article about The Role of Media in the Threats and Opportunities of Globalization for Religion

the globalisation of religion makes it a lot easier to study. I can go to a Sikh Gudwara or a Buddhist Temple right here in Brisbane and learn about other faiths.

notes: religion and globalisation
-p. 446 in some areas of the globe, highly individualistic and non-institutional form sunder heading like spirituality are becoming increasingly dominant
-  three reasons for the gloablisation of religion (not always geographically global but global in their effects): transnational migration, the spread of religious organisations and movements (own independent "mission" reasons) and social and political movements
-p.447 religious institutions are usually one of the first things set up in transnational migration because there are not only for religious purposes but also for : places of cultural familiarity, social service providers, educational and recreational centres, sources for community and political mobilisation and a symbol of a migrants move.
- it is a part of a number of religious traditions that "mission" be taken to spread the word and teachings of the religion, like Christianity. Hence, the globalisation of religion via religious institutions also occurs.
- p. 452 religio-political movements in global society: often used in conjunction with the term "fundamentalism" -  religious movements that advocate the public enforcement of religious precepts or the exclusive religious identification of state collectivities. e.g. "Al-Qaeda"
-e.g. Syria

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